Saturday, April 25, 2009

Roles,and Questions

She was a rider.

Too bad he didn't he didn't have a car to take her in,
and walking was something she had to take in.

He's a provider.

Of a one room apartment not worth living in
But that's all he could afford with his dividends.

They were the chosen

By god ordained, to supply the world with my brain
and the brains of my siblings

We were the children.

Bread to better than ancestor
With a fighting chance is what god blessed us.

This was the life.

Infected with hard times and poverty
You have to be strong to make it though obviously

In this day and time,

I'm proud to report that we doing fine
And I’m trying to find me a piece of mine

This is the struggle.

To shine bright when everybody got bright idea
And people that made it won't even throw a rope down here.

This is the question.

When I get where I’m going
Will I forget where I came?

Or make it my foundation while I’m out changing the nation.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lifes Gamble

I was raised by a king and queen to be the ace in the hole.
Then blackjack when the cards unfold.

Is this my lucky day?
Honestly I’ll never know.

But, if you never take a chance,
than what are you living for?

It's like a game of dice,
when I walk out the front door.

Cause I never ever know
what the lord has in store.

Is heart break around the corner,
down the street from fame?

Will I see my name in lights
Or bring my family name to shame.

Mine as well just pull the leaver
Gone head and get in the game.

Would have rather lived and died.
Then never lived and died.

Cause it's the only way to win,
but not the only way to lose.